These data show the current, past and forecast availability of EDF SA's nuclear fleet over a sliding year. You will find, plant by plant, and for each unit, their available power in MW. This data is updated at the beginning of each hour.
Detailed description:
The data are public data from the RTE website. This is the unavailability data by unit, accessible via the API at the following address: https://data.rte-france.com/catalog/-/api/generation/Unavailability-Additional-Information/v4.1.
The map is based on publications made by EDF under the REMIT regulation, but does not take into account any additional information associated with certain publications, nor any future unavailability due to new fortuitous events. The map is a visualization tool provided for information purposes only. It does not replace the official publications produced by EDF under the REMIT regulation, available at https://doaat.edf.fr/indisponibilites/list.
The method used to create the time series is taken from a CRE publication on the Github site. All explanations can be found here.
Additional information on certain data:
The geographical positioning of the nuclear units is adapted here to make the map of France easier to read. The precise and unique GPS points of the plants are here.
The reference time zone is Europe/Paris.
EDF's liability:
As a reminder, pursuant to clause 3.2 of the general conditions of use of the opendata.edf.fr portal, which can be consulted here, the information provided on the EDF Group's opendata.edf.fr portal is for information purposes only. EDF cannot guarantee the accuracy, completeness or timeliness of the information published on the site. It does not exempt the User from carrying out an additional and appropriate analysis. EDF cannot therefore be held responsible for any errors or omissions, nor for any lack of availability of information and services.
Consequently, Users acknowledge that they use this information under their sole responsibility. EDF may not be held liable for any direct or indirect damage that may result from accessing, using or reusing data from the EDF Group's opendata.edf.fr portal, including but not limited to inaccessibility, loss of data and/or the presence of viruses on the site.